Chemical thermodynamics foundation of retrograde solubility for carbonate: Solution media related to CO_2 碳酸盐倒退溶解模式的化学热力学基础&与CO2有关的溶解介质
It includes a brief review of chemical thermodynamics that is followed by discussion of acid-base, precipitation-dissolution, coordination, and reduction-oxidation reactions. 首先是简短回顾化学热力学,接著是讨论酸碱、沉淀&溶解、配位和还原氧化反应。
The surface terms are induced in chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, and effects of particle sizes on combustion and pyrolysis of coal particles are analysed and discussed. 在化学热力学和动力学理论中引入表面项,并由此来分析和讨论粒度对煤颗粒燃烧和热解反应的影响规律。
Modification of solution method of the saturation index model based on the chemical thermodynamics 基于化学热力学的饱和指数模型求解方法的改进
It is studied further that the dissolubility of the bismuthous sulfide in the solutions of the non-oxidative strong acid through the experiment by means of chemical thermodynamics. 运用化学热力学基础理论和方法研究了硫化铋在无氧化性强酸和可溶性碱金属卤化物溶液中的溶解性。
The Approach in Teaching Basic Concept of Chemical Thermodynamics in University Chemistry Courses 大学化学中热力学基本概念的教学方法
The curriculum mainly introduces the fundamental principle and research technique on chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, surface chemistry and colloid chemistry and so on. 本课程主要介绍化学热力学、化学动力学、电化学、表面化学、胶体等基本原理知识和研究方法。
Chemical Engineering, chemical thermodynamics and physical chemistry and other basic courses, and achieved excellent results. 化工原理,化工热力学和物理化学等基础课程,并取得优异的成绩。
The competition between addition and substitution in vapour phase chloridization reaction of prolence is analyzed on the base of essential principle in chemical thermodynamics and kinetics. 对间苯二甲腈气相氯化反应过程提出了合理的假设与简化,从反应机理出发建立了一个动力学数学模型。
The carbonation, sulfation and sulfureted hydrogen acid corrosion of underground water on concrete are analyzed by chemical thermodynamics. 采用化学热力学方法分析地下水对混凝土的碳酸型、硫酸盐型及硫氢酸型侵蚀。
The conception of the stability of substance is discussed on the base of essential principle in chemical thermodynamics. 由化学热力学原理探讨了物质稳定性的概念,并根据过渡态理论分析了物质的稳定性和反应活性的关系。
The Learning and Application of the Chemical Thermodynamics Formula 化学热力学公式的学习和应用
In the part of theory study, the law of N_2H_4 reducing NOx was studied by chemical thermodynamics calculation and chemical reaction kinetics calculation. 研究工作包括理论和实验两部分。在理论部分,首先对水合肼还原NOx的反应进行了化学热力学和化学动力学计算研究。
This paper explains the experimental results of oxide cathode poisoning by the way of chemical kinetic reaction and chemical thermodynamics, and a method of measuring reaction energy is obtained. 本文从化学反应平衡观点出发,应用平衡常数的统计表达式,说明了阴极中毒与阴极发射物质化学反应内能的关系,解释了阴极中毒的实验曲线,进而得到测量反应内能的一个方法。
The effects of particles size of a reactant in heterogeneous systems on chemical thermodynamics and kinetics are reviewed in this paper, the prospect of application and developing trend of nanoparticles as reactants in chemical fields are also forecasted. 综述了多相反应体系中纳米反应物的粒度对化学反应热力学和动力学的影响规律,预测了纳米粒子作为反应物在化学领域中的应用前景和发展趋势。
This paper puts forward views of how to teach chemical thermodynamics in General Chemistry including teaching purpose, teaching material processing and teaching method. 本文对《普通化学》课化学热力学部分如何进行教学,从教学目的、教材处理及教学方法等方面,提出了看法。
Correlative theory of chemical thermodynamics and bio-thermodynamics is integrated in the dissertation, and some research fruits are epitomized on energy transfer during organic metabolism, ATP's coupling function between catabolism and anabolism, etc. Furthermore, thermodynamic model for cell proliferation are narrated and appraised. 本文根据化工热力学和生物热力学的相关理论,对有机物代谢的能量转移、ATP在分解代谢和合成代谢中的耦联作用等作了概括和归纳,并对细胞增殖的热力学模型作了分析。
Based on chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, secondary precipitation of gypsum in acidizing treatment is studied. 从热力学和动力学两个方面研究了酸化作业中的石膏二次沉淀问题,阐明了石膏二次沉淀的热力学原理,并给出了有关的计算公式。
On the basis of chemical thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium, the model of energy correlation of ignition-delay composition interface is proposed, and its calculation method is given in this paper. This provides a theoretical base for design of stab delay initiators. 从化学热力学及化学平衡的观点出发,提出了点火&延期药界面能量匹配的模型,给出了能量匹配的计算方法,为计刺延期火工品的设计提供了理论依据。
Based on coupling theory of chemical thermodynamics and hydrogeology, this paper divides the hydrogeological system of Dongshan, Taiyuan into different zones of mineral dissolution and precipitation. 本文运用化学热力学与水文地质系统耦合理论,将太原东山水文地质系统划分成矿物溶解、沉淀各异的区带;
Based on the principle and method of chemical thermodynamics, this paper studies the mode of degree of mineralization, hardness and the migration chemical elements. It narrates the law of water chemistry of karst water. 本文以化学热力学原理和方法,研究岩溶系统地下水的矿化度、硬度、化学元素的迁移形式,阐述岩溶水的水化学规律。
In order to monitor and control total alkalinity of cooling water accurately, in carbonate system, a relationship between the total alkalinity and pH can be summed up from chemical thermodynamics. 为了对循环水的总碱度进行比较准确地监测和控制,在碳酸盐系统中,从化学热力学角度总结出一个总碱度与pH值的关系。
Total entropy criterion and Gibbs function criterion play important roles in chemical thermodynamics. 总熵判据和吉布斯函数判据在化学热力学中起着重要的作用。
Concentration of water dimer in saturated water vapor at different temperature and temperature dependence of the concentration of water dimer at certain vapor pressure have been computed using the theory of chemical thermodynamics. 用化学热力学方法计算了在标准气压下,不同温度的饱和水汽中双水缔合分子的浓度以及在一定水汽压条件下双水缔合分子的浓度随温度的变化。
By means of computation and analysis of chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics, combining with the researching results of dumping experiment, the authors studied and precisely put forward the mechanisms on carburizing process of graphite sand casting for the first time. 通过热力学、动力学分析计算,结合倾倒试验结果,对石墨砂型铸造渗碳过程的渗碳机理进行了研究,首次明确提出了石墨砂型铸渗机理。
By use of the basic formula of chemical thermodynamics and according to the stabilizing conditions of binary solutions at critical points, two equations of critical state which can be used to make certain about the form of binary solution, critical temperature and critical points have been derived. 利用化学热力学的基本公式,根据二元溶液临界态的稳定条件,通过数学推导,得到了两个可以用来确定二元溶液临界温度及临界点组成的临界态方程。
According to the basic theory of chemical thermodynamics 、 high polymer chemistry and supercritical fluid, this paper have analysed the physical characteristics of the supercritical fluid 、 the calculation methods of the solubility and the feasibility of the coating particle using the RESS. 依据化学热力学、高分子材料学、以及超临界流体学等基础知识,对超临界流体的各种物理特性,特别是溶解度的理论计算方法以及使用超临界技术进行微粒包覆的可行性进行了理论研究和分析。
By studies and experimental analysis of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, it shows the catalytic role of CVD diamond by transition metal, and achieve the diamond graphitization at room temperature. 4. 通过化学热力学和动力学的研究以及试验分析,论证了过渡金属对CVD金刚石的触媒作用,在常温条件下实现了石墨化反应。
The simple mathematic model of a single-stage chemical reactor is established from the view of chemometrics and chemical thermodynamics. And separate the main product of pyrolysis-hydrogen with a palladium membrane tube. So drive the reaction to produce hydrogen. 从化学计量学和化学热力学角度分析,建立了单级化学反应器的简单数学模型,并用钯膜管分离主要重整产物&氢气,从而促使反应向产生氢气的方向移动。
Depending upon referring the oxygen adsorption theory, bio-oxidation theory, chemical thermodynamics and electrochemistry and based on all kinds of analysis results, a more reliable and systematical theoretical framework on describing the oxidation mechanism of sulfide ores were completed by comparison and deduction. 通过研究硫化矿石低温氧化的物理吸附氧机理、生物氧化机理、化学热力学机理和电化学机理,并结合已有的研究成果进行比较和分析,建立了较为完善、科学的硫化矿石氧化自燃理论体系。